Lavash Bread with Cumin

Features of Taknan Lavash bread

Lavash bread is made and packaged with fully automatic machines. Complete fermentation and no use of baking soda and sugar ink (blankite), which are the main cause of digestive diseases and osteoporosis, are unique features of Lavash bread taknan. Cumin is rich in iron, potassium copper, manganese and magnesium and helps strengthen the immune system and digestion of food and stomach strengthening. Single Bread Cumin Bread with Pleasant Cumin Aroma is suitable for preparing a variety of breakfast and evening morsels.

Nutritional Value

هرسهم نان لواش (۵۰گرم) حاوی زیره

Cumin properties in Lavash bread

  • Rich in iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and magnesium
  • Blood purifier and suitable for anemia
  • Immune Enhancement
  • Anti-cancer
  • Digestive system and strengthening the stomach
  • Helps the liver in detoxifying the body
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