Lavash bread with wheat bran

Features of Taknan Lavash bread

Lavash bread is made and packaged with fully automatic machines. Complete fermentation and no use of baking soda and sugar ink (blankite), which are the main cause of digestive diseases and osteoporosis, are unique features of Lavash bread taknan. Bran is the main source of B vitamins and contains minerals such as calcium, iron and phosphorus.

Nutritional Value

هر سهم نان لواش (۴۰گرم) حاوی سبوس گندم

Bran properties in Lavash bread

  • The main source of B vitamins
  • Contains minerals most notably calcium, iron and phosphorus
  • Reduces cholesterol absorption
  • Reduced blood lipids
  • Reduced sugar absorption
  • Improves gastrointestinal function
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